Pilates Aufbau-Ausbildung (16 Std.)
1. Oktober 2024
The Gravity Games – Balance trifft auf pure Freude am Lernen
28. November 2024
Diving for the Blue Pearl – Experience Transformation
Diving for the Blue Pearl – Experience Transformation
Throughout the centuries Kundalini Yoga was a secret taught only to small groups of highly evolved yogis by illumined teachers. Yogi Bhajan came to the West in 1969 and said, “The world needs this experience Now!” Kundalini Yoga lifts the veil between our world and the other worlds, and the window between spirit world and material world opens.
Together we will travel into your Unknown where lie the treasures, the jewels, the gifts. With these Blessings that Creator gave you this lifetime, you can rise to the surface to see more clearly and to trust your intuition. As you begin to trust yourself, you will love yourself; you will believe in yourself; you will move forward. First you dive deeply to find the jewels. Then you surface to see the Light and to follow the Light. Then you become the Light. This can happen if you dare to dive deeply.
Please join Gurmukh and Gurushabd for this transformative journey of the Soul through Kundalini Yoga, Deep Meditation, and the Infinite Transformative Power of the Gong.
All are welcome!
Workshop Zeiten:
18 bis 20.30 Uhr
10 bis 12.30 Uhr
14 bis 16.30 Uhr
10 bis 12.30 Uhr
14 bis 16.30 Uhr
Preis: 280 Euro
Datum: 06. bis 08. Juni 2025
Ort: Studio Charlottenburg
Mit: Gurmukh and Gurushabd
Alle Preise inkl. 19% gesetzl. MwSt. Auf Early-Bird-Preise können keine Rabattgutscheine eingelöst werden.